Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Just the Details..."

I’ve had people ask me why would I want to meet with my clients before their big day. Of course, my question is really “when” do I get to meet my clients face-to-face before their wedding day? I learn more in an hour or two in person with a couple than hours on the phone or email. Now, do not get me wrong, email is a wonderful way to keep up to date and informed on details and the phone is an invaluable tool for creating calm in the midst of chaos. But, meeting in person creates the building blocks to a wonderful wedding experience.

When one sits across from an engaged couple, one learns so much. I know who is going to "dance" and who is going to “hang out.” I discover which songs make people cringe and which ones bring tears. I see “love” between two people and their passion and caring for their family and friends.

How else can you create an ambiance? You have to feel what your couple feels. Of course, sometimes, it is difficult to pull these feelings from a couple so it takes the “right” questions in order to get the magic started. “How would you like to do…?” Most people are pretty good about sharing their visions on what they want to create on their wedding day.

This is also my chance to reduce stress before it starts. “How can I make it easier for you?” It may be this question or something else; as everyone’s stress is different.

Most of all, I enjoy working on the details with my clients whatever the mode of communication. So the in-depth person-to-person interaction really simply makes the job easier.

Happy planning and have a dancing good time!

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